She was buried in an unmarked grave, because, after all, she was just a common corpse.
He had worked his whole life for validation and authentication, and now as he slid into his newly purchased Chevrolet sports car he knew for sure that he was vetted.
It was an unusual carnival setting, as all the carnival employees were former educators. He was curious about the fortune telling tent though, that featured 3 collaborating fortune tellers. It was truly an Instructional Medium Consortium.
He knew that the director of the Utah Instructional Materials Consortium would be an intimidating personality, as he possessed more than 6,000 titles.
The steps of the process for the registration of the children to their new parents were followed meticulously. It truly was a textbook adoption.
She was having some difficulty tending to the needs of this new child. There were no diapers to change, no bottles to warm, no clothing to buy. It was truly a textbook adoption.
The cause of his divorce was his obsession with technology and his extreme focus on himself as characterized by his unconscious use of the word “I”. He now was living alone in a rented apartment that was littered with electronic gadgets. He worked, ate, and slept in his new ipad.
It was no coincidence to Edward. He had worked hard to get his name engraved upon the door as the new State Superintendent of Instruction. This room was now officially the State Office of Ed.
He was genuinely curious about the texture of the highly magnified minute substance that he had taken from under the space bar of his computer keyboard. He carefully reached out with his index finger to touch the goo on the glass slide. Yes, it was definitely microsoft!
He could type short messages with either hand. He was truly a switch twitter.
The wedding was carefully arranged by Thamortha's parents. They had chosen the young bride for him and now gave him the command, "Themortha, marry her!"
Rodney was headed out the door to run some errands the other
day when his wife called out and said, “Oh dear, would you pick up a gallon of
milk while you’re out?”
“Sure,” said Rodney as he picked up his keys and headed for
the door.
“Thanks,” said his wife, and then “oh, and if they have avocados,
get six.”
“Ok” said Rodney, and he proceeded into the garage and got
into the car.
An hour later he returned after completing his errands.
“Well,” said his wife, “Did you pick up the things I asked?"
“Yes dear,” said Rodney.
“See, here’s your six gallons of milk.”